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Putting some Spring into your workouts

Written By imhaaf on Saturday, 21 March 2015 | 22:04

Workout program routines - Now that the snow has melted, itā€™s time start thinking about getting back in shape.  POP Weight Loss from Old Saybrook gives us some great tips on shedding that winter weight and getting fit for summer.

Joining us Saturday on Good Morning Connecticut, Kara Ganssle and Donna Nucci from Pop Weight Loss, talking about Spring being the time to get moving and getting into shape.

Itā€™s officially Spring which means itā€™s time to put away the shovels and boots and head outside to enjoy the sunshine.  For the last few months at POP, they have been encouraging people to walk on treadmills or use workout DVDs.  Now that the weather is finally warming up, they want people to get outside!  Nucci and Ganssle have some tips to help you shed that winter weight and feel great.

Ganssle begins by explaining that step 1 is to make a fitness date with a friend or neighbor.  Walking with a buddy will keep you motivated and you can encourage one another on those difficult days.
POP Weight Loss urges their clients to stick to a schedule.  Pick the same time every day to get your walk or workout in, and a healthy habit will form.  Setting goals is very important.  At POP, they set small goals for clients.  Maybe this week, go outside for 15 minutes during your lunch break and walk around.  Every step helps.  Some clients use a Fit Bit to track their steps.

As the weather warms up, you should continue the habit of drinking water throughout the day.  Dehydration can lead to fatigue so make sure you carry a water bottle with you all day.

One hobby that can also be a good workout is gardening.  Once the ground thaws, itā€™s time to start clearing the old growth and plan a garden.  For parents it can be an opportunity to get your children involved in something positive.  Besides being a great workout, it is incredibly rewarding to watch something grow.  In a few months you will be able to reap the benefits of fresh fruits and veggies.   If you cannot plant a garden, you can always hit up your local farmers market.  Last summer, at POP they actually added a stop at the farmers market during one of our walking groups.

The last tip is to get new workout gear. Ganssle and Nucci say, ā€œI donā€™t know about you, but I am always more motivated when I get a new pair of sneakers!ā€ Sound Runner in Old Saybrook hooked them up with new shoes and apparel.  They suggest that before starting a new workout plan, to make sure that you have the appropriate footwear.  Sound Runner is great because they can actually analyze the way you walk or run and suggest the proper footwear.  Having the right sneakers will help prevent injury.
There are so many beautiful walking or hiking spots in Connecticut.  You can check out walkct.org to find a walking location near you.  The site provides you the location, level of difficulty, and if there are any fees.  POP lists the Top 5 places to walk:

    Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison.
    Chatfield Hollow in Killingworth
    Devilā€™s Hopyard in East Haddam
    Sleeping Giant in Hamden
    Rocky Neck in Niantic.

Look for walking, hiking and running groups it keeps you accountable and motivated.  Many local groups are out there and Pop Weight Loss will be posting their favorites to facebook Twitter and Instagram.
Evidence has shown physical activity reduces the risk of cancers such as; Colon, Breast, Lung and Prostate.   At POP, they suggest their clients exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.  Studies have shown that these 30 minutes will improve concentration and overall cognitive function.  As well as producing endorphins which act as natural painkillers.  In addition, stress will decrease and sleep and immunity will improve.

News 8 anchor Teresa Dufour then asked Kara about those people who normally participate in all those great walks like the Yale heart walk or fundraisers. ā€œAre they going to be behind in training and is it discouraging for the new participants?ā€ Dufour asked.

At POP, they are always looking to help their clients be active.  Couch to 5K is a helpful app that can guide any novice to a finish line.  They say they would love to hear from our viewers about fun and exciting 5Ks around the state. This spring Pop Weight Loss will have their own walking groups to help train for road races.  Anyone who has participated in a race knows that you feel a great accomplishment when you finish.  Use the parks we suggested to help train.  They love hearing from clients about their best kept secret walking routes.
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